
Hvis du gerne vil tilmeldes konkurrencen, så er du kommet til det rigtige sted! På denne side har du nemlig mulighed for at tilmelde dig konkurrencen i din pågældenede division! 

Det hele er samlet i smarte, små pakkeløsninger for at gøre det så nemt og overskueligt som muligt!

Det er også muligt at købe plads til aftensmad separat, hvis du ønsker at invitere en gæst med, eller selv gerne vil deltage, uden at skulle deltage i konkurrencen!

Du kan se listen af deltagere her!

Det er også på denne side at der er mulighed for at støtte konkurrencen ved at købe en hoodie, mulepose, eller t-shirt med vores logo og årstal for kommende konkurrence på!

Sign up

If you want to sign up for the competition, you've come to the right place! This is where you'll be able to purchase your spot in the competition in your division! 

Everything is devided into neat little packages in order to make signing up as easy and clear as possible for you!

You'll be able to buy at spot at the dinnertable seperatly as well, if you wish to invite a guest, or want to join yourself, without competing in the competition!

You'll find the list of paticipants here!

As well as buying tickets for the competition, you'll also be able to support the competition in the future, by buying hoodies, tote bags, or

t-shirts with our logo and dates printed on!

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